Monday, February 6, 2012

Voice Post...Chuck Ponzi!

He goes by Chuck Ponzi… well at least that’s his name in the blogging world. I’m pretty sure he’s not actually related to Charles Ponzi! (I sure hope not!) Either way Chuck is the writer of “Southern California Real Estate Bubble Crash Blog” (it’s a mouthful, I know). While he hasn’t written a recent blog post in sometime, good old Chuck Ponzi caught my eye. Chuck is a true character. He doesn’t hold back. He is opinionated. He is confident. He says it like it is.
Chuck is certainly not shy. He is the epitome of cynical and sarcastic. However, he is still likeable and relatable. The way he puts words together paints a vivid image for the reader. He is witty and truly a very funny guy. Most of his posts are filled with mockery and ridicule. In the post entitled, “No Frog March for Mozilo”, Chuck rips into Angelo Mozilo. Chuck shows no mercy. Below is the infamous post! (I know it’s long but trust me it’s totally worth it)
Chuck writes…
“After Mozilo sold Countrywide, the most trash-filled piece of financial garbage to some rich fools who soon became parted with their money, many in the bubble blogosphere assumed that at the very least, some criminal activity had taken place by CEO Angelo Mozilo who had reaped more than $300 Million (yes, you read that correctly) in sale of his stock.
Imagine all of our surprise when not only did nothing happen, but we heard nothing of the matter whatsoever. What ever happened to financial fraud?
Well, at least the SEC had enough presence of mind to fine the crap out of him and get a settlement check. Hurry, quick, I would cash it right away, but don’t spend it all in one place, you might need to hire some people to investigate all of the other financial frauds you’re responsible for finding. (Madoff, Stanford, etc)
Actually, I just hope they don’t blow it all on gold-plated toilets and Porn Parties.
Either way, I’m glad to see SOMETHING happen. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, too.”

See I told you it was entertaining! Chuck rarely disappoints. Even if you had no hard feelings towards Mozilo to begin with, by the end of this post you hate him too! In fact you hate the entire financial sector! You are automatically on Chuck’s side. He certainly has a way with words. Chuck uses very strong language to evoke a feeling of disgust and disdain. His diction is very descriptive and filled with insults (e.g., “trash-filled piece of financial garbage” “rich fools” “gold-plated toilets, “porn parties”, “fine the crap out of him”). His writing is pretty informal. He often uses parentheses and caps lock to get his point across. Chuck ends the post with “Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, too.” It doesn’t get anymore sarcastic than that!

While most of his posts are filled with insults and sarcasm, Chuck’s post, “Buying a house” is endearing and helpful. He talks about the process of buying a home for his family. He is eager to help.

Chuck writes…
“In the end, we waited over 6 years before becoming homeowners again, we found that the emotional decision to buy a home is quite powerful for people that have already owned; it was for us”.

He ends the post with…
“Feel free to ask any questions that you might have in the comments; I will be as honest as I can”.

Under that sarcastic façade is a passionate guy ready to give advice to others. He almost becomes sensitive and conscious of others’ feelings. But don’t get too used to nice Chuck! In the very next post, he is right back to his normal cynical self! 

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